Mix media, 2014
"Like a granny square blanket, America is often mismatched but always colorful."
- Véronique Côté
"... crochet techniques explore feminine craft and heritage, dissect gender codes, and show primal creative expression..."
The sculptures in this section are part of “Punching Cattle on a Jackrabbit”, a body of works that looks at how America, and to some extent the Western world, builds and catechizes culture through the creation of multiple vagaries: mixtures of cultural artifacts, traditions, stereotypes and bizarre humor.
It is a capricious appraisement of our contemporary culture of war, violence, capitalism and popular kitsch.
The Golden Doe is a gilded hunting decoy for which a Mexican Wrestler outfit has been crocheted. It pairs religious reference with traditional craft and bright colors to become a playful and surreal object stripped of its purpose but given some multi-cultural apple pie charm.
The toy soldiers are “Sewing the Seeds of Democracy”, flying down ill-equipped but well intentioned with their lace doily parachutes.